Tuesday, February 3, 2015


They say All Work and No Fun,   Will Bore Anyone....  So enjoy a lighter moment with some H(umou)R

We talk about virtual world and how people can be more productive and get much more done.   Sample this.

Employee (proudly) :  I am working remotely.

Manager (thinking): I don’t think you are even remotely working


A compensation strategist decided a new “probabilistic model” for compensation.
Soon it was time for communication session with employees

Communicator:   Friends, this year we will give merit increase by roll of dice.   If you roll 1, or 2, or 3 or 4 or 5 you get absolutely no increment this year

Enthusiastic Employee:   But what if Roll a 6 on the dice

Communicator:  Simple !! Haven’t you played LUDO before… if it is 6 you get to roll the dice once more.

A big black dog walked into the HR Interview Room.  

Recruiter:  But what the heck are you doing here !!  Go Away

Black Dog:   Sorry, I read that you care about diversity but seems you have only humans on the team, Thought I’d give it a chance.

Hey James,  I thought your last working day was previous Thursday.  You were supposed to have.  How come still around buddy?

James:  Gosh !! I resigned but could not clear the exit interview.  So they held me back



Example of Progressive Series

Lies ---  More Lies ---- Dammed Lies  ----- HR Communication !!!

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