Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Skill takes you till some point beyond that Attitude Matters.

One of Zig Ziglars famous lines goes like this…. “Your Attitude, not your aptitude determines your altitude”   How high you rise comes from how you approach things.  

Sample this…

There was a foundry foreman Jack who was supervising his workmen striking away at the sand moulding machine one morning.     A gentleman came and stood by and was observing.   The foreman said “Hi Steve,  It’s been long time I have not seen you”.  They both conversed about how they met twenty five years back at the foundry and how the technology was different then and how the foundry had only one workshop and now it had over 40 workshops across the state.

When the gentleman left one of the workmen came up to Jack and said.  “Jack, Wasn’t that our Chairman whom you just spoke to a while ago.   Is it true that both of you started work this foundry at the same time several years ago?”

“Of Course" Said the foreman,  "Both me a Steve signed up for work the same day 25 years back,  Today he’s the Chairman and I’m the foreman”

And he continued in the same breath…

“The only difference twenty five years back was that I came to work for the 1$ to the hour and he came to work for the foundry”

Yes, Cant’ be truer the point made by this simple narrative is that how you look at your work, your task, your role, your part in the play makes the difference in how you approach it.   You clearly see that Steve had an attitude to work very different from John.     So what Zig ZIglar said in his statement is best illustrated by the simple story.

In organizations up to a certain point one can go with a sour attitude.  Maybe a few notches up the entry level stack...beyond that you have to make way for your outlook, the way you see things, the way you conceive the world around you, the way you approach a problem, the way you solve it and essentially the way you get things done.

Arise, Awake and Find Your Altitude!!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Going Digital : What Does It Mean for Human Resources

Everyone's talking about "Going Digital" but what really does it mean?  How does it affect organizations and what does it mean for HR.

When we talk about Digital evolution we are basically looking at changes happening either within or outside the organizations due to things like Social media,   Mobility due to communication devices like smart phones, tablets and other devices,   Analytics 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Shooting the Dark: Some Insight on Diversity

Women's day just arrived as it does every year.   Air India just boasted about its all women crew last night that would fly its 17 hour long haul flight from New Delhi to Newark.

 Often it is debated 

Diversity and Inclusion are like two sides of the same coin.  One side without the other is not worth the metal it is embossed on. 

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