Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FRAME It for Success !!!

Given below is a quote of mine that I often reflect upon and have used in many of my workshops or discussions with my clients. Most of these opportunities and the learning's have come about in my role as a HR professional over the past two decades.
"There is more to do than what I've done, There's more to Go from where I reached, There's more to me than what I am."
Human potential is unlimited and most of us never reach any where near the potential we have. Below is a simple model that I use to explain the possibilities, the endless sea of positives that lie ahead of us in the journey of life. It is called"FRAME" it for Success. Below are the five things you need to do to reach where you want to go or achieve something you always wanted to or be the person you wanted to be.. The FRAME is not a sign post. The FRAME is like an illuminated pathway.
Focus: I would never emphasize less on this ubiquitous (there everywhere but quite often unused) concept that can bring direction, that can channelize attention (Read my blog on FOCUS). It is important to have a clear concept of where you want to be or what you want to achieve. When you focus all else gets tuned out and that is the best way to get your minds complete attention to doing what you need to do at that point of time. Focus channelizes your energy and sharpens the chances of success in what you want to do, where you want to go and how you can go there.
Reflection: Time to take a pause. Take a Look at your strengths. Reflect .... on what can take you there. It is important since your strengths were meant to be your fuel to success. Most of us have hidden strengths. For most of us a good reflection of what we are good at comes from having a conversation with a close friend and asking for feedback. This can be a colleague at work or a friend outside of work or even your manager. Try to see a pattern in a few such feedback messages you get. That is what you are really good at. Remember focus on strengths. Don't get overshadowed by getting your attention to weaknesses. When you are looking at a world of possibilities it is better to see what will get you there.
Articulation: There are two things here. First it is about how you would get there. It is important. It is like a plan you have once you know the destination. When you plan you put to rest unwanted pitfalls (or up your preparedness to overcome them) that may arise. You will surely achieve what you wanted. Most people do not achieve what the set out since they did not articulate it correctly. Articulating it correctly means you have to "express it" and do so openly. A stated goal, shared with those who mean something to you is achieved with much greater probability than one that was just written in the folds of your diary. That is why most new year resolutions are up in smoke by the time Valentines day arrives each year. Once you articulate the mind tries to channelize energy to ensure you live up to what you want to do or get.
Movement: Here it all about action. It is about hitting the road to start the journey. Even the longest journey begins with a small first step. When you are on the path to achievement you will have to keep constant look out for the pot holes and also navigate any obstructions. Pot holes can slow you down... e.g. someone trying to demotivate you, or lack of time to pursue your task of achieving the goal or even the lack of energy due to pursuit of multiple goals. It is here that the focus comes to your rescue.If you feel this way go back and re-look at the focus. Obstacles are things that will stop you. Fear is the biggest obstacle. Many a time they are like the invisible demons fought by the Little Prince in the classic novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. You need to overcome them and your plan is something that will help you along with the articulation especially the verbal and non private articulation that you need to live up to
Evaluation: It is about milestones, progress, achievement and fulfillment. Each of them is important. Defining milestones is important to ensure you are moving in the right direction and the right distances are covered. The anxiety and anticipation keep increasing as you move to the destination and crossing them makes you recognize progress. You need to look ahead and anticipate as well as look back and reflect as you move on in our pursuit of achieving what you set out for. Celebrating success and feeling a sense of achievement is very important.
The FRAME can completely change your outlook. It helps redefine your views, focus your attention and tune out disturbances. Your life is a beautiful canvas, give it life and vibrancy by the right FRAME. In hind sight it may look like a simple concept but it is mountain like when you try to adopt it and that's why they say human potential is still vastly untapped.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Coaching: What's in a Name? More than You Probably Thought

They say a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet as it does. But the assumption is that you will seek out the rose even it was called by that other name.  Not true.  Try this thought experiment.

Let’s assume a rose is now called a “rat”  or “pig”.  I am not sure now,  given the contextual understanding of rat or pig (which already exits) in the mind of someone, whether he / she would really have the propensity to even attempt the smelling exercise. This has to do with the way our brain is wired and the images we have of the concept. So the association that exists in our mind with “rat”  or “pig” is the hindrance

Now let’s imagine a new word “fiper”  or “toki” (I’m sure it won’t be found in a dictionary) and start using this for a rose.  The next time you smell it and are told you will be presented with a fiper or toki you start associating the word with the sweet smelling thing and wait in anticipation and won’t get that repulsive feeling.

Now that same concept extrapolated to the HR world where we have a popular developmental tool called “coaching”. Whatever be the objective the association of the word itself might have something to do with what exists as a popular meaning in a cultural context.   In India, especially during our growing up days as students one may tend to believe or understand that coaching is for someone who is weak in studies.  We hear parents saying my boy/ girl goes to a coaching class to cope up with studies.  So contextually coaching is seen as something for those who need help,  those who have to go beyond regular school or college.

From my experience I have come across many people in the Indian context who don’t want to openly agree that they are being coached.   They are very uncomfortable in accepting the fact that they go through coaching (either on performance or even on leadership) for this very reason.  That is one reason why in the Indian context coaching is not seen as something aspirational (specifically being coached).  Being a coach may still be something which may be handsomely rewarding and may still find favor but being coached….probably not.  So next time we need to contextualize a program to cultural context we may want to understand how the association of the mind does that. If it is positive go ahead….like some organizations have a Catalyst Program for rapid promotions  Here the association goes in unison with something desirable.

Think about it.  Coaching perhaps needs to be positioned differently.  We may need distinct words or derived words that make us more comfortable.  It's time to think about the contextual adaptations needed for programs that we borrow from the west. It's time for indigenous adaptations to people management concepts.  

The genesis for the above discussion came from my observation and discussion with some of those who were involved with coaching.   Managers and leaders don't want to accept (openly) that they are being coached.   They may be OK to have a coach but not discuss with others, even do the coaching discussion at a hotel / at home.   The sense that came out of these observations was that people associate coaching with something not so "good" something beyond "regular" or "normal".

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Competency Concepts Primer

In this post I will elaborate one some relevant characteristics of competencies.   Competencies are one of most effective ways to channelize capabilities for advantage but many times misunderstood therefore large number of implementations (over 60%) don’t benefit the organizations where the models are implemented.

In an earlier post I tried to clarify about competencies being something that differentiates people on their abilities. Competencies are defined in context, which implies that what may be competency in one context may not be so in another one.   So Point one about competency is “context”

Second, if we a person has a competency the application has to be consistent in order for it to be competency. Taking an example close to the Indian context if you consider batting as a competency for Sachin Tendulkar then he should be able to bat well consistently across various types of pitches viz., bouncy, sow, fast and similarly be consistent when playing spinners or medium pacers, googly specialists and so on. 

Third, competencies can be developed.  In that sense it is a coachable construct. .  However what comes to mind here is about “Application”. One needs to understand the behavioural anchors well to get a clear map as to how to develop and build proficiency on the competency.  Most organizations define competencies in behavioural terms.  The behaviours are organized in order of increasing proficiency either using an appropriate point scale (ranging from 3 to 5 levels) or a nominal scale (High, Medium, Low and so on)

Further competencies encompass behavioural descriptions that can relate to knowledge, skills or attributes and a combination of these. They can be threshold or differentiating. Every job role will have both threshold as well as differentiating competencies.   

Above are a few aspects of competencies to bring some clarity on the concept that is very relevant for organizations performance.

More elaborations on competencies and its application in organizations in later posts.

Click below for other links on Competencies

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


They say All Work and No Fun,   Will Bore Anyone....  So enjoy a lighter moment with some H(umou)R

We talk about virtual world and how people can be more productive and get much more done.   Sample this.

Employee (proudly) :  I am working remotely.

Manager (thinking): I don’t think you are even remotely working


A compensation strategist decided a new “probabilistic model” for compensation.
Soon it was time for communication session with employees

Communicator:   Friends, this year we will give merit increase by roll of dice.   If you roll 1, or 2, or 3 or 4 or 5 you get absolutely no increment this year

Enthusiastic Employee:   But what if Roll a 6 on the dice

Communicator:  Simple !! Haven’t you played LUDO before… if it is 6 you get to roll the dice once more.

A big black dog walked into the HR Interview Room.  

Recruiter:  But what the heck are you doing here !!  Go Away

Black Dog:   Sorry, I read that you care about diversity but seems you have only humans on the team, Thought I’d give it a chance.

Hey James,  I thought your last working day was previous Thursday.  You were supposed to have.  How come still around buddy?

James:  Gosh !! I resigned but could not clear the exit interview.  So they held me back



Example of Progressive Series

Lies ---  More Lies ---- Dammed Lies  ----- HR Communication !!!

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