Sunday, December 18, 2022


 Enjoy the festive Season Coming Up.  Wishing all my friends their colleagues and families a wonderful season, Christmas festival and Happy and Success filled 2023

Addressing the Intent-Content Gap

 When Content does not Match up to Intent,  you are likely to  lose credibility.  The writing on the wall is loud and clear.  If we fail to live up to the talk as HR professionals then we are seen as folks "throwing the cannon balls" at the party.

Have you experienced that people speak about some new concept they heard of,  bring in a whole lot of jargon and then quickly adapt and adopt what was working somewhere and which they claimed could be a cure all, a solution for tomorrow and then .... Bingo !!! it all fizzles out as quickly as it got created.

If this rings a bell then it is probably a case of intent-content gap at work.  What you wanted did not happen and what you expected did not turn out to be.  Here are four reasons why this happens.

a) The concept did not fit into your context:  Understanding the context is key to successful implementation.  What works for A situation does not apply to Situation B.   Try remembering the last time you tried a least common denominator approach to employee engagement.   Wont' work -  it has to be segmented if it has to work,  Not everything that motivates an employee in second year of his job career can motivate the one with a decade or more.

b) Concept not thought through:  If you tried an approach that resembles tunneling your way through the mountain then at best you can see the other side.  If you want to see the top you need to climb the mountain.  Ask few of your HR teams what a normalization process intends to achieve and see how much they can explain.... or even simpler ask what the philosophy for performance management is and if you have a common response you are doing well otherwise the concept is not clearly understood.

c) Rome was not built in a day:  Big Bang roll out without a prototype or a working model is a sure way to rework, or in all likelihood failed implementation.  Ever remember a day when your folks at work decided that you need a new process or system from the scratch, from the ground up to replace the current one.

d) You put the squirrel to do what the turtle was supposed to be doing.  Climbing trees is best done by the squirrel and swimming across the current in the river by the turtle. If you ever tried switching roles in the name of meeting goals of  job rotation then you will be in for a surprise. (Read More About This Here)

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Learning from Zen: The Light of the Lamp

Here is a story that can be interpreted in various ways.  

In early times in Japan, bamboo-and-paper lanterns were used with candles inside. A blind man, visiting a friend one night, was offered a lantern to carry home with him.

"I do not need a lantern," he said. "Darkness or light is all the same to me."

"I know you do not need a lantern to find your way," his friend replied, "but if you don't have one, someone else may run into you. So you must take it."

The blind man started off with the lantern and before he had walked very far someone ran squarely into him. "Look out where you are going!" he exclaimed to the stranger. "Can't you see this lantern?"

"Your candle has burned out, brother," replied the stranger.

From a human relations perspective you can derive different meanings but the one I want to highlight is....

…if you are oblivious to something does not mean it is irrelevant to others.   What may be important to you may (at the same time) be of no use to the others.   Managers need this realization often in their day to day work.

You may have mastered the art but there are others around you who are at different levels on the learning curve and to each the way ahead will be different.  Apply that yardstick when you decide how to develop people.

Other interpretations I would leave to the discerning readers.

Friday, October 21, 2022

A Simple Perspective on Incremental Change

 In daily life at home, at work, or in other places change can be brought about in small steps. Many a time we might dread "Oh how can I bring about change? It's too big an effort"Wanted to share that it's often the power of compounding that can come in handy. 

Take for example in any activity, task, or effort a 1% increment may be more achievable and reasonable to our mind. It can bring down the resistance in our minds drastically. If we make a 1% improvement every day take a guess how much improvement in output, effort reduction, and task completion can one achieve in a month. STOP !!! Don't read further but pause and make a guess before reading further.

If you guessed it's about a third or thereabouts you are perfectly right.

You can bring about a 33% improvement in about a month just by a small incremental change of 1% daily. That's something that we fail to imagine and often end up overamplifying the difficulty of achieving targets.

Visually shown in the chart above is a trend line with a 1% increment for each day and end of the month you are 1.33 times where you started. This kind of change in a month is the envy of many organizations and surely worth pursuing. 

So next time you are faced with an uphill task think about how you can break it up in small incremental steps and bring about a significant change.

Big Bang is not always the best approach, compounding power can come to your rescue many a time.

For the nay-sayers who say my work cannot improve by 1% per day, suggest you should take a shot with compounding by the week or even month and the effort will seem to roll like a well-oiled wheel.

Happy Festival Season !!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Observations & Reflections... Life's Lessons

It was a hectic week.   Here are some reflections.  Simple Lessons learnt from a celebration called life

Ideas grow wild in the fertile plains of empowerment.

Your progress does not halt as long as the wheel of learning is in motion.

Don't let the perennial flow of positive thought be stopped even by the biggest dam of disappointments.

The seed of thought produces the best fruit of success when watered from within.

Unlike other journeys...In Life's Journey even the Red Signal of Failure should not prompt you to stop.

Shying Away from Asking is sometimes akin to writing an epitaph for my Learning!!!

Aim that your headline goal is nothing short of Breaking News !!! Success will be like a prime time event.

Only in the temple of learning can you make yourself the idol.

When you are done...burn the books. Your Learning should not be captured between the cover pages of the book,  but within the folds and crevices of your mind.

In the  graph paper of your life strive to ensure everything is in the first quadrant !!!

11th Oct 22

Feel Free to use if you like any

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Some Wise Ones to Reflect Upon !!!

"The real magic of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."                                                                                                                                                   - Marcel Proust

No wonder we have heard of things like reimagine as a powerful concept in the recent past.   Gareth Morgan talks about Imaginzation.  Wear a different lens and you will see the problem differently.  Isn't this what is taught in most leading B’Schools.

"Anger Is One Letter Away from Danger" 
                                                              -  Elanor Roosevelt 

And so said First Lady Elanor Roosevelt of United States.  Yes it is true that controlling your anger makes life much more simpler, much more calmer and a lot more easier.   Most big fights and misunderstanding are out of snappy thinking, getting angry and reacting.  No wonder they say “The sent arrow, the spoken word and the transmitted email can’t just come back, so think before you send, speak or Click”.   Never respond to mails when angry.

Few more to reflect on as we near the end of one more beautiful year.  Soon we’ll bid good bye to 2014 and usher another year of fine things to come.

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that  counts.                                                                                                                                         - Winston Churchill

"The way to get started is to stop talking and begin doing" 
                                                                              - Walt Disney Inc.

"Kites Rise Highest Against the Wind, Not With It"  
                                                              - Winston Churchill

"A Man is But the Product of His Thoughts.  What he Thinks, He Becomes."                                                                                                                                                    -  Mahatma Gandhi

“Grinding a sword for ten years, but the blade is yet to be tried.”
                                                                            - Jia Dao , Chinese Poet (779 -843 A.D)

"Discovery consists of seeing what everyone has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. "                                                                                                                                                     - Anon

Thursday, September 1, 2022


When change stares you in the face what do you do?   Depending on how you see change there can be two things that happen. You act on it or you let it go by.   To understand the implications better let us consider the boiled frog experiment.  Whether this was actually an experiment conducted in a laboratory or someone's kitchen should not be the point of debate. The issue is understanding change and how this is handled.  

In the boiled frog experiment you put a frog into boiling water and it reacts and jumps out instantly.  It survives.  However you put the frog into a vessel with cool water and slowly start heating the same the frog eventually dies.   The frog does not realize the change in temperature and snugly sits in the warming waters and eventually can't react and dies. 

In the same way it is important for us to understand the changes happening and know how they would affect us in the long run.  Else a day would come when it might leave you like the boiled frog.  Not understanding the deterioration of a condition and waiting without action is something we have seen often either in our lives or in the lives of people we know. 

In our personal lives it can be things like a vice which we could tackle saying "one more time" .... just "one more time" and then its done. By the time you want it "no more times" it is too late.   Similarly in professional life we keep procrastinating and pile up work or leave an issue after day enjoying the comfort of warm waters.  We can end up like the BF.

How does one overcome and realize something is deteriorating.  There is no other option but to keep tab.  Which means focus on what you think is going on.  When you focus you are able to tune in to your situation and understand it better.  Read my blog on Focus:  What Gets Focus Gets Attention; What Gets Attention Gets Done.  So if you focus on the problem you have and try to understand you may do the right thing to address the same and give a miss to being the next boiled frog. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

The Barriers and Obstacles Lie Within !!!

One day a wise man from a distant land came to the Court of a Great Emperor of the East and proclaimed that he wanted to challenge the learned men of the kingdom by testing how intelligent they were. The emperor readily agreed and invited some of his courtiers and ministers to face the challenge. The wise man kept a pot covered by a cloth and asked the courtiers and ministers to tell him what it contained. Every one was dumb founded and kept starting silently at each other. There was complete silence. The emperor went blank with anxiety.
Then the kings clever minister came forward, he opened the cloth, looked inside the pot and then said there was nothing in the pot. It was empty indeed

"But you opened it." said the wise man. 

"You did not tell us that it can't be opened" shot back the clever minister.

The wise man was cornered. He quietly left.
Learning: There are many interesting lessons which come out from this simple story that we can relate to our world of work. While I discuss couple of them here... readers are welcome to add their comments and interpretations.
Often the limitations, boundaries, barriers are all in our minds. We as human beings set the limits and most often those that never existed in the first place.
Very often just because someone thought it so... it became the accepted norm. Common sense might suggest this is not so but we don't stop by to question. Is this familiar in our organizations?
In hind sight the message may seem simple but one needs to break out of the patterned thinking in order to have more creative solutions and approaches to the problems we face.
We also learn that there are others around us who can be more intelligent than we are. Those that outsmart you.... those you never expected to. So it does no harm to accept and acknowledge them for what they bring. When was the last time we acknowledge someone for how they think... of course without pretentions or without being hypocrite like.
I have covered just one dimension of how this story can be interpreted and the message about how the locus of how we respond to any situation is driven from within.
Will be interesting to see other interpretations and dimensions arising from this story.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Right One for the Right Job !!! Simple Story to Illustrate Competencies

Competencies differentiate the average from the superior.  In a key sense they are distinguishing.  Given endless time and endless means everything under the sun can be called a competency but you need to be realistic and  practical.   Read this story that I often used to clarify the concept.

There lived a lumberjack near the bank of the river. The river had thick woods with tall trees on one side and the lumberjack would cut trees (the tall variety) and float them across the river to the other side where it would then be transported for further processing.  

When he cut the trees the lumberjack had to know how tall the tree was before he began to cut it down.  To measure the height he often relied on a squirrel.  Each time he wanted to measure the height of the tree he would tie a string to the tail of the squirrel and up it went to the tree top.   With the length of the string pulled up he estimated the height of the tree.  Every thing was going well and his squirrel had perfected the art of climbing trees and getting the lumberjack the estimate of height.

Soon the lumberjacks demand for trees went up and the squirrel was not able to complete the task for the day.  

A friend gifted the lumberjack a turtle and so he struck up an idea.  He started training the turtle to climb the trees, and the turtle would climb up few feet and slip down and try again and so on till finally it learnt how to climb the tree.    Lo the lumberjack started using both the squirrel and turtle to measure the heights of trees.  He managed his business for a few months like this.  He assessed his squirrel was the ace  performer and the turtle the struggling one

One summer the river started drying up and many parts got shallow and logs would get stuck if the river bed was too shallow so now he needed to assess the depth of the water before he could fell the log into the water at any spot.   He now had to chose between the ace and struggling one to measure the depth of water, he remembered the ace performer.... but alas the choice was obvious.

The squirrel could do nothing but stare at the water lest it drowned.   But the turtle went in ... Bingo.... and  came back with the depth being measured by the length of the string it pulled down to the bed of the river.   

Now the lumber jack understood each one's worth.  The squirrel was best when it came to climbing trees,  the turtle was best in the water.    No amount of training would make the squirrel faster at measuring the depth of the water.

So the lesson we learn is that there is a right person for the right job.  This is what competency is all about.  You can spend hours and hours and finally the turtle will be able to accomplish what the squirrel did or vice versa, but the cost and effort of doing it would be different. The question is how do you do it best,  most optimally both effectively as well as efficiently.   That is what we call as distinguishing.

The squirrel's competency is in climbing and the turtles competency is in swimming.  Both can do each others' job but swimming cannot be a competency for the squirrel nor can climbing trees be the competency for a turtle.   

So next time you think of competency remember first principle, get the right person for the job.   That's the starting point.  Competencies are defined in context.... what may be a competency in one context is not so in another.....  There are many other facets of a competency that we'll explore in the months to come.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Magic Number in Our Lives !!!

Now think aloud what comes to your mind when you read each these numbers?





Now that you've thought Go Down !!!

When it came to 13 people thought of bad luck,  a dark omen or even good luck or good tidings etc.  Did you?

When it came to 9/11 a close 90% would remember the twin tower destruction of 2001

When it comes to 100 most folks either think of a century (cricket, India) or some think about a perfect score in an exam...or the police emergency no

168?  Hard Luck !!!  In case you didn't get It...

It is the number of hours in a week. That's the amount of time we have at our disposal to balance our work, personal lives,  interests,  health and wellness etc.   Most people had no clue on the quantum of time in a week at your disposal and that it seems is the most important factor to plan your time... is the total time available and..... If you did not know how many hours you had at hand how do we plan out.

Now it is easy to understand why so many people crib about  running out of time... not finding the right amount of time and attributing the problem outside of ourselves.

Here's a link to  my earlier blog post  explaining  importance of focus and how things get done   So bring Focus on 168 !!!

Have a Good Day !!! Remember your time available and that's important for time management.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Wondered why it is difficult to change. Asking WHY is the key? Many times in organizations and even in our personal lives some behaviour, some style of working, or some way of making decisions comes across as so very sticky because it was a manifestation of success at some time in our experiences. 

We accumulate a lot of wisdom based on successes we derive in one space or context and then superimpose that in other spaces and maybe even literally in everything that we do. Edgar Schein the culture expert speaks of culture as a residue of success.

No alt text provided for this image

Let us go back to an old story of the monkeys in a cage with bananas hanging at the center. Each time a monkey climbed to pluck the banana's a strong jet of water was sprayed on the monkey and the monkey fell down from the ladder when trying to reach the bunch of bananas. Every attempt by any monkey was met with the same fate. Over a few such experiences, the monkeys collectively learned that it was not right to pick the bananas and a cause-effect relationship was etched in their mind. Go for Bananas and Get Knocked down. Soon, one of the monkeys is removed from the cage and replaced with a new monkey. The water jet is also removed. As soon as the new monkey sees the bananas and climbs to reach the bunch the other monkeys quickly pull him down. This happens as a pattern and after a few unsuccessful attempts that new monkey too gives up and does not try to get the bananas after learning the cause and effect. One by one all the original monkeys are replaced by new monkeys and the socialization process continues now it does not matter that all original monkeys are not in the cage the pattern of behaviour continues and no monkey can get the bananas.  None of the new monkeys actually experienced the cause and effect but they learned the shared ways of avoiding the bunch of bananas and it became an unquestionable action to be followed, and none would question such an action. 

This is how a practice gets established based on past experiences and cause and effect relationships helped us learn to do things a certain way and then slowly forget to question it. If we need to change we have to use a different frame or lens. What we viewed in the context of the early days when the monkeys and the jet of water were present was no longer relevant once the jet was removed. However, this did not happen and the behavior was sustained. So unless the behavior is analyzed and viewed in the context of the new situations the behavior won't change. This applies to our work as well as our personal lives. It is important to check the assumptions, clarify the current understanding, and then decide. What worked in one context may not be relevant at all in a different context. One of the ways to change something for good or better is to understand WHAT and follow up with WHY that is happening. When we understand the "WHY" then the root cause of the action or behavior can be understood and then necessary change may manifest.  Understanding the WHY addresses one of the aspects of driving change. Other ways of driving change will depend on specific reasons the change is difficult and will address a couple more in later posts. Cheers !!!    


Thursday, February 3, 2022

Learning Analytics & Metrics

I spoke to about a dozen Learning & Development Leaders  on what kind of metrics they track.... Most common among the responses I got included

Course completion %ages
Exit scores obtained
Completion rate on courses offered
Person Learning days
Competency Base Line
Learning Capacity 
Trainer Effectiveness Scores

Wonder if any of this can ever be used to give us an understanding of how well the learning and development efforts are helping the organizations.   All of these people who responded came from about ten or so different well known organizations and were participating at a 3 day National HR conference.

To understand whether training is making sense as an investment we need to understand what impact the training can create.   It can either help improve your service level,  it can improve efficiency or help you deliver better / higher productivity levels.   It can also help you get into a new service if it is something new that you are trying to acquire as a capability.  The need is not for totally new metrics but putting them in a way that makes sense to the business leaders who are ultimate customers of your learning and development offerings.
So our first challenge would be to understand what we measure and how much of it.  What will create a view of whether I am doing good, improving,  becoming better or simply regressing back as I spend more and more of my money on learning and development.  Remember the 70-20-10 rule,  70% of learning comes from experience,  20% from feedback and collaboration at work or in a given situation, and only 10% learning comes from formal training programs or learning. Instead of giving prescription of what metrics to use, I will illustrate some approaches that will give a direction of how you look for the metrics that will be most relevant to your context and then you can customize, stretch,  modify and use the one most relevant.

When you rattle metrics like PLD or Trainer Effectiveness scores per se it does not excite the business leader.   What would be more relevant would be if you are able to give a story through your metric.  For e.g.  Of the total 10 PLD's we have achieved this year,  6 were through Web Based Access and only 4 through Instructor led.   The effectiveness was not undermined by replacing the instructor led but gave more space and time and satisfaction scores were in line.  The trend over past 3 years shows we had 9 on 10 days through instructor led training three years back.

Or instead of telling the business leader that you created 40 hours of digital content for 3 courses you can give inputs say:  of 3 most popular courses put together we had 72 hours of learning and 40 hours of that has now been digitized and people come over the the class room well prepared and learning is more effective. 

The other aspect of learning is the shift to MOOC driven learning via platforms like Coursera.  These learning efforts also contribute in a big way to your development efforts and capability building. Integrating this into the learning metrics of the organization is something L&D and HR Managers should think of.  A simple way is how to capture the learning effort through your learning system by configuring the same in the LMS and then feeding the certifications manually to start with.  Technically advanced user organizations can think of linking through integration of the portals like Coursera with their LMS through some scripting and meta data.

Finally shift from incidental training to capability building is the way L&D evolved on a maturity scale over the past 2 decades.  Metrics to capture impact via results is something that organizations should focus more on alignment with business.  How is the availability of On demand learning keeping pace with the needs of a mobile work force, of new networked organizations. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

MIssed Opportunities?

Here's a pic from one of my presentations prepared in 2010 when I tried to capture some of my favorite quotes and juxtapose them with appropriate pictures.

They say opportunities come knocking. Not once... but.. several times.  But we often ignore them or overlook them. As Winston Churchill said "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity while the optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

This can happen only when we are aware of the opportunity. So, coming from a positivist school, I believe the world is not full of pessimists.  Then the question is why do people miss opportunities. 

First the problem of not being able to identify opportunities.  Reason can be explained as unawareness.  Did you remember someone you knew saying " I could have taken the Design Course.. but ....." or"I could easily have done engineering.....' but  or I was up for a top modeling assignment but chose medicine.... imagine what life could have been today OR the more common one among investors "I was about to invest in XYX stock.... only if I did I could have been millionaire like my friend."   One of the  most common mistakes made by students who get into the wrong course (they dislike after joining) or graduates getting into wrong jobs (hate the profession)  is they did not do enough homework preparing to understand what it meant. Most often doing some home work or some kind of scrutiny would have helped make better decisions. 

The other point about missing out opportunity is being overly cautious.    We fear taking risks, fear the unknown, fear not being able to make it, fear the hard work and thus ... miss out the opportunity.    Thus you end up giving a let go to something that you should have seized.  I remember one person telling me that he got into IIT Mumbai in the 1970's but did not go as it was too far and he preferred staying at his village and studying in a college nearby but.. the real reason when we explored more was about the fear of going to the city and competing with the boys there. 

Another reason especially among those who are talented, gifted or have some strength they never capitalized is their inherent lethargy.   Left to themselves they would prefer to chill, enjoy life as it comes and no one was there to push them to the wall and drive them.  So it is mostly talent wasted kind of situations that fall in this category. 

Next think of the dreams you had but never converted to reality.   To give wings to dreams you should have a plan.  Lack of Planning  is another way one has missed opportunities.  By the time the race had to be run you were still working on the equipment and missed the race.   

In human relationships we can often hear someone say "if only I could have made up with him / her.. Now he's no longer here..." .  This happens when we don't mend relationships or build broken bridges with someone while they are there with us but regret it later when they moved away to something new and no longer are with us or when they unfortunately pass away from this world. 

In all probability you find that when people are old and in the evening of their lives they often think and speak about what they did not do... the missed opportunities.  But I think being aware of how one can avoid the chance of categorizing the wrong one's and regretting them is something we should understand.   I will be discussing a very simple framework on how to avoid regretting the wrong missed opportunities.   It is a very simple framework I use in my coaching sessions and training programs. 

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Even Inventing Is a Process....

They say that human society progressed on stepping stones of inventions.   This is nothing but reality.   The world has changed more, there has been more progress and more inventions in the last  sixty years or so than previous three centuries.  Such is the contribution of invention that has made this possible. 

We think that invention is the forte or realm of few different kind of people.   Some may be wondering if invention is a random,  hit and run, trial and error,  way of getting new things created, thought of or implemented.  This may have been in the past as there was no framework or pattern that could be generalized and imposed on the process of invention. 

However over past few decades thinkers have come up with frameworks for innovation and invention.   One such methodology I came across was the TRIZ framework. (Pronounced and TREEZ) that was developed in USSR and now being explored in many parts of the world.    While it may apply to engineering inventions it can be extended to other kinds of inventions too.

So from a understanding that it was impossible to learn how to invent today there is clear evidence on how to learn to invent.   I am not going to elaborate what TRIZ methodology is all about.  Google can do it for you but what I would like to emphasize here is that there is yet another process that can be broken down into a set of logical steps.   Can be mastered, can be transition and will provide opportunities for outsourcing in the future days.   Some of it may already be done in bits and pieces but along with robotic automation,   transformation etc,  will be things to watch out in the future.

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