Monday, February 5, 2024

CEMENT framework: Understand how to motivate your teams' performance (Published 2023)

 Every leader should understand nuances of what it means to achieve through collective efforts of varied set of people.  It's easy to transpose key members of your team along with you when you move roles within a company or outside (I call it tagging talent along with you).

To drive good performance leaders need to understand the essense of what motivates performance. I have a copyrighted framework called the CEMENT framework.

Understanding each element of the framework and applying it to see where each member stands is a key to effective execution.

A brief summary of the CEMENT framework for performance of your team is provided in a published link.  It was published by ETHR World in 2023.

Please enjoy reading it.using below link.  It's a free site and only need to login with your email ID. No payment required.


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