Sunday, November 12, 2017

Knowing-Doing Gap and the Conflicts: What can organizations Do

Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap. This is omnipresent. In our personal our professional lives- when we work with friends, colleagues and 

Most often the stresses within is what causes most damage.  What is seen on the outside and experienced without is of far lesser consequence that what is experienced within.  And one of the classic causes is the Knowing-Doing Gap.  

Although we may know what, how and why to do something, this does not translate into action.   The conflict within arises when we are not able to translate the intent into action and therefore build up stress due to the guilt, due to the dilemmas of thought and the constant ringing that occurs within the mind.

Knowing-Doing Gap is also commonly found in competency proficiency levels.  At the simplest 

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