Monday, May 25, 2015


We know well that the future cannot be predicted exactly as it would unfold. However a few trends can give you an indication of things to come.   When it comes to organizations the biggest question in the minds of leaders is "What will change and how will the changes affect the work organization". Below are a few changes and the impact it would have on the HR Function.  Organizations that anticipate these and make deliberate attempts to circumvent them will be in a position of strength vis a vis organizations that believe in crossing the bridge when they reach there.  You may not need a bridge for all you may be something else.    

Heavy Automation of basic level HR processes
Most employee data will be inputs by employees themselves

Almost all entry level HR jobs will disappear
Regulation and cross border movements will results in a maze of complex employment terms and conditions 
Organization will need specialist advisors to help them navigate this complex web of employment benefits administration and cross border movements and virtual configurations 
As organizations become more flexible yet complex leading to a duality it would need special skills and deep understanding of employment needs
Shift towards more specialist roles in the HR functions.  The era of generalists will be over

Data will be generated all round in organization both within and across interface of the organization.    Data generated will be more reliable, more robust.

Trajectory of HR professionals, their decisions and judgments will all be determined by insights and analytics from real time data

More statistics and big data experts and statistical modelers would be part of the HR department

Too many people will be chasing too few in the talent pool.

Curriculum getting specialized, niche skills will emerge.  Career orientation of students will no longer be linear
Having a right Employee Value Proposition and models to engage culturally diverse and remote sets of configurations will be key to surviving the talent war.

Shift will be towards building relationships and transitioning talent across boundaries (from campus to coporate) rather than vanilla hiring process. longer term strategic partnerships and tie ups with colleges and universities will be key to talent war tactics

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