Monday, January 4, 2021

Creativity in Organization- Driving Focus from Future to Present.

Today's organizations are challenged by  a very volatile environment.  Change today seems faster than what it ever was in the past.  But didn't every generation since the middle of the last century say the same thing. 

However what we observe is that  today's world requires us to grow, improve, become better even if other factors remain same or decline.  e.g.  produce more with less people,  get more returns on same capital employed. To this we need to perform better and better.

Interestingly it is found that motivation and performance don't go along all the way.  Post a period of  positive relationship between motivation and performance it is found that performance dips and therefore beyond a point extrinsic motivation does not hold much promise.  The reason for this is that the obsession for the goal and some future "reward" drain away focus from present to future. (Read more about Yerke-Dodson's Law)

Rather the better approach for organizations would be to try and shift focus onto the creative side of the human.  When work demands creative approach or when work requires creative minds there is stronger relationship with performance. Also the outcome and motivation link gets strengthened when intrinsic motivation is the reason.and focus shifts from future to the present.  Hence organizations need to spend time to invest more in creativity and drive up the performance. 

However given the patterning slant of the human mind it is important that organizations spend deliberate attempts to drive up creative thinking and this can be done through use of tools, techniques and various frameworks that help the mind move out of the patterned and linear way of thinking.   More on this in a later post.

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