Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In Hindsight everything appears simple?

Have you realized that we take many many things for granted.  What is there is a simple chemical reaction such as 2 parts of hydrogen combined with one part of oxygen gives 2 parts of water...  or the fact that we human beings tend to display five levels of needs ranging from physiological at the lowest end to esteem needs at the other end.  In hindsight everything seems so simple and straitjacketed to the non discerning but to have thought of it this way and put the effort to come up with the framework or the model or the reaction or the observation is the challenge not everyone can do all the time.

Organizations have problems and HR functions have their own share and in every problem lies an opportunity to come up with some serious creative solutions.... a galore of opportunities if I may say so. But often I find that people are good at identifying the problem and defining it but the transition to finding the creative solution is missing.   

What gets the people's focus is about how to manage the problem and not solve the problem.  This comes from our patterned thinking and we look for patterns to be imposed on any problem we see. If we don't see a ready pattern we try to force fit one.  Therefore one outcome would be : Here's a problem how do I react.... Needs to be managed and keep the boat from rocking and bingo.... that is the end objective.  

To realize that the root of the problem needs to be fixed we should break out from that pattern and make  a determined effort to do so.  More on this in a later post.  


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