Thursday, September 1, 2022


When change stares you in the face what do you do?   Depending on how you see change there can be two things that happen. You act on it or you let it go by.   To understand the implications better let us consider the boiled frog experiment.  Whether this was actually an experiment conducted in a laboratory or someone's kitchen should not be the point of debate. The issue is understanding change and how this is handled.  

In the boiled frog experiment you put a frog into boiling water and it reacts and jumps out instantly.  It survives.  However you put the frog into a vessel with cool water and slowly start heating the same the frog eventually dies.   The frog does not realize the change in temperature and snugly sits in the warming waters and eventually can't react and dies. 

In the same way it is important for us to understand the changes happening and know how they would affect us in the long run.  Else a day would come when it might leave you like the boiled frog.  Not understanding the deterioration of a condition and waiting without action is something we have seen often either in our lives or in the lives of people we know. 

In our personal lives it can be things like a vice which we could tackle saying "one more time" .... just "one more time" and then its done. By the time you want it "no more times" it is too late.   Similarly in professional life we keep procrastinating and pile up work or leave an issue after day enjoying the comfort of warm waters.  We can end up like the BF.

How does one overcome and realize something is deteriorating.  There is no other option but to keep tab.  Which means focus on what you think is going on.  When you focus you are able to tune in to your situation and understand it better.  Read my blog on Focus:  What Gets Focus Gets Attention; What Gets Attention Gets Done.  So if you focus on the problem you have and try to understand you may do the right thing to address the same and give a miss to being the next boiled frog. 

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