Sunday, September 22, 2019


A young man was listening to a discourse by a wise old man, and there was an interesting moment when the old man was concluding his talk and said something with a smile and twinkle in his eyes. "I was at Samathpur once a few years ago and, all I did was sit on the river bank and sell river water. These are the ways of the world," he concluded. Not a word after that and the talk ended.
The young man pondered what was the relevance of what the old man said at the end. It did not strike him for some time, and later, he went home and was getting ready to go to bed. His cat Billu came over, and they started a conversation.

Curious Cat: What makes you look so thoughtful today
Young Man: Wondering what the wise sage said. He then narrated the story.
Curious Cat: Can you imagine you were sitting there when the wise man was selling water from the river
Young Man: Of course, I am just doing that now. Yes it's green It's so pleasant and the water is so sweet
Curious Cat: And what are you doing?
Young Man: Am thinking of the hard work ahead the next day and enjoying the sweet water I just bought and anticipating a good nights sleep
Curious Cat: Yes Master. You were so busy buying and drinking water that you failed to see the river yourself.

Many a time we are like the young man. So busy doing things, working hard and toiling, laboring the days and nights without seeing the obvious opportunity that lies in front of our eyes and like the young man paying for the water that lay in front of our eyes. Now go ahead and reflect how many such pots did we buy from others selling us river water.

One needs to step back and see what are all the opportunities that were let go because and understand how to spot those opportunities to realize the potential we have within. The world will be a more fruitful face if we are able to uncover these visible but yet unseen opportunities that we let go in our journey. Spotting opportunities is the first step towards realizing potential. More on how this can be done in my next post

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