Monday, July 24, 2017

Why Change Attempts Fail

They say that "deciding to change is more difficult that the actual process of changing.  But does it mean that once you decide the change happens easily.   

Deciding to change is rather the first step to change and most potential change imperatives get thrown out of the window since they don't even cross this first barrier.   Many times action on the need to change or the "change imperative" is not even attempted leaving it as a "missed opportunity".   How may of us can forget the time when we "swore" in our minds as students saying that from next exam onward I would prepare well in time for this subject and not go thru this nocturnal grind a day before the exams.  What happened next time was anyone's guess probably.

There are two abstractions of change  one is personal change and other is change for a entity, a team, a work group. Lets focus on individual level barriers and what can be done to overcome them.

New Idea, New Approach No No:  I stick to my past...can't come away, can't think of leaving the established ways behind.  Every time you thought of making a personal change 

"Deciding to Change is more difficult that actually process of changing".  Once you decided does it happen by default.  Not really, If you go by data on change efforts.  There are many reasons why attempts to change fail.   Key among them are

a) Laissezfaire attitude

  Most of the time change attempt recede because the decision was fluid.  

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